Projects List and Details

# Project ID Start Date End Date Discription Project Cost in USD Donor Sector Location Office Status
01 P174119 Logar 3/1/2021 8/31/2021 Covid19 Relief Effort for Afghan communities and Households 140,698.00  MRRD  Emergency Logar Central Suspended
02 P174119 Saripul 3/1/2021 8/31/2021 Covid19 Relief Effort for Afghan communities and Households 492,950.00  MRRD  Emergency Saripul, Balkh and Jawzjan Central Suspended
03 200958.1 4/1/2021 2/28/2022 Addressing urgent WASH need in ISIS cleared districts of Nangarhar 329,554.94  Cordaid  Emergency Nangarhar Eastern In Progress
04 200925.1 4/1/2021 9/30/2022 Meeting the basic needs of shock affected and newly displaced people through ERM in Afghanistan 108,311.60  Cordaid  Emergency Uruzgan Central In Progress
05 201046.1 8/1/2021 2/28/2022 RTL Campaign cash for work and MPC in Achin, Nangarhar 138,607.86  Cordaid  Emergency Nangarhar Eastern In Progress
06 OSRO/AFG/112/DEN (LoA-060) 8/1/2021 2/28/2022 Safeguarding emergency agriculture livelihoods and access to nutritious food of vulnerable food insecure farming families in Logar province. 31,800.40  FAO  Emergency Logar Central In Progress
07 201071.1 10/1/2021 4/30/2022 ESNFI assistance for conflict affected people in Kunduz and Nangarhar 279,065.00  Cordaid  Emergency Nangarhar Eastern In Progress
08 OSRO/AFG/110/USA and OSRO/AFG/120/CHA (LoA-080) 10/20/2021 6/13/2022 Minimizing impacts of drought and COVID-19 on livestock herders and small holder farmers by protecting agriculture livelihoods of vulnerable food-insecure households in Afghanistan 67,551.24  FAO  Emergency Kunar Eastern In Progress
09 WFP/AFG/RFP/020/086 4/1/2021 3/31/2023 PAT Monitoring of WFP in Herat, Badghis, Ghor and Farah 698,601.76  WFP  Emergency Herat, Badghis, Farah and Ghor Western In Progress
10 C4F-WW 12/1/2021 6/30/2022 Assisting the most vulnerable acute food insecure widow-headed household in Herat province with cash for food assistance 137,700.00  WW  Emergency Herat Western In Progress
11 HPD2021299 11/30/2021 3/31/2022 Cash Assistance Badghis 252,128.00  UNICEF  Emergency Badghis Western In Progress
12 201078.1 11/15/2021 5/15/2022 addressing urgent food needs in ISIS and Former Taliban held districts 196,135.74  Cordaid  Emergency Nangarhar Eastern In Progress
13 AF-IDLG-165708-CS-FBS 1/1/2021 12/31/2022 Hiring Facilitating Partner (FP): Urban CCAP Second Additional Financing Expansion 393,800.73  IDLG  Good Governance Shiberghan Central Suspended
14 AF-IDLG-165700-CS-FBS 1/1/2021 12/31/2022 Hiring Facilitating Partner (FP): Urban CCAP Second Additional Financing Expansion  476,834.30  IDLG  Good Governance Ghazni Central Suspended
15 200920.1 1/15/2021 7/15/2021 Improving peoples basic food needs and income generating activities  340,685.00  Cordaid  Emergency Uruzgan Central Completed
16 AF01-0947 2/1/2021 6/30/2021 Unconditional seasonal support -food (winterization)  246,423.63  WFP  Emergency Saripul Northern Completed
17 AF01-0945 2/1/2021 4/30/2021 Cash based transfer  72,854.24  WFP  Emergency Balkh, Faryab, and Jawzjan Northern Completed
18 P174119 Logar 3/1/2021 8/31/2021 Covid19 Relief Effort for Afghan communities and Households  140,698.00  MRRD  Emergency Logar Central Suspended
19 P174119 Saripul 3/1/2021 8/31/2021 Covid19 Relief Effort for Afghan communities and Households  492,950.00  MRRD  Emergency Saripul, Balkh and Jawzjan Central In Progress
20 OSRO/AFG/010/CHA LoA-009 3/1/2021 5/30/2021 Cash assistance for averting famine and strengthening emergency livelihoods  16,777.60  FAO  Emergency Faryab Northern Completed
21 020/086 4/1/2021 3/31/2023 Contract for Third Party Monitoring (TPM) Services  698,601.76  WFP  Emergency Herat, Badghis, Farah and Ghor Western In Progress
21 OSRO/AFG/008/CHA (LoA 019) 4/1/2021 7/31/2021 Time-critical Emergency livestock inputs assistance to Marginal and food insecure herding households  27,733.15  FAO  Emergency Faryab Northern Completed
22 200958.1 4/1/2021 12/31/2021 Addressing urgent WASH need in ISIS cleared districts of Nangarhar  329,554.94  Cordaid  Emergency Nangarhar Eastern In Progress
23 200925.1 4/1/2021 3/31/2022 Meeting the basic needs of shock affected and newly displaced people through ERM in Afghanistan  108,311.60  Cordaid  Emergency Uruzgan Central In Progress
24 OSRO/AFG/111/EC (LoA-022) 5/15/2021 12/31/2021 Cash based intervention and livestock protection, distribution and coordination with FSP 36,851.00  FAO  Emergency Faryab Northern In Progress
25 OSRO/AFG/108/CHA (LoA-030) 5/15/2021 12/14/2021 Anticipatory livelihood protection to minimize drought impacts and safeguard food security  49,886.08  FAO  Emergency Faryab Northern In Progress
26 OSRO/AFG/110/USA (LoA 049) 6/20/2021 11/20/2021 Minimizing impacts of drought and COVID-19 on livestock herders and smallhoder farmers by protecting agriculture livelihoods of vulnerable food-insecure households in Afghanistan  18,896.20  FAO  Emergency Faryab Northern In Progress
27 201046.1 8/1/2021 11/30/2021 RTL Campaign cash for work and MPC in Achin, Nangarhar 138,607.86  Cordaid  Emergency Nangarhar Eastern In Progress
28 OSRO/AFG/110/USA (LoA 055) 8/1/2021 12/31/2021 Minimizing impacts of drought and COVID-19 on livestock herders and smallhoder farmers by protecting agriculture livelihoods of vulnerable food-insecure households in Afghanistan 27,049.60  FAO  Emergency Faryab Northern In Progress
29 OSRO/AFG/112/DEN 8/1/2021 2/28/2022 Safeguarding emergency agriculture livelihoods and access to nutritious food of vulnerable food insecure farming families in Logar province.  31,800.40  FAO  Emergency Logar Central In Progress
30 AHF 10/1/2021 3/31/2022 ESNFI assistance for conflict affected people in Kunduz and Nangarhar  279,065.00  Cordaid  Emergency Nangarhar Eastern In Progress
31 OSRO/AFG/110/USA and OSRO/AFG/129/CHA 10/20/2021 1/31/2022 Minimizing impacts of drought and COVID-19 on livestock herders and smallhoder farmers by protecting agriculture livelihoods of vulnerable food-insecure households in Afghanistan  40,698.52  FAO  Emergency Kunar Eastern In Progress
32 C4F-WW 12/1/2021 3/31/2022 Assisting the most vulnerable acute food insecure widow-headed household in Herat province with cash for food assitance  42,000.00  WW  Emergency Herat Western In Progress
33 HPD2021299 11/30/2021 3/31/2022 Cash Assistance  252,128.00  UNICEF  Emergency Badghis Western In Progress
# Project ID Start Date End Date Discription Project Cost in USD Donor Sector Location Office Status
01 201091 01-04-2022 31-12-2023 DRA – Afghanistan Joint Response 2022-2023 1,000,866.04  Cordaid  Emergency Nangarhar Eastern In Progress
02 982010 01-04-2022 31-03-2023 NCA ICRA 419,867.00  NCA  Emergency Herat, Saripul and Jawzjan Northern and Western Completed
03 (LoA-078) 01-06-2022 31-12-2023 Sustaining Essential Services Delivery Project (Support for Afghan People) 143,681.58  FAO  Emergency Kunar Eastern In Progress
04 (LoA-124) 20-09-2022 20-09-2023 Services to support the implementation of FAO’s smergency and resilience response project aimed to support vulnerable Smallholder commuities and farmers throught Emergency food Security Project (EFSP) 119,345.20 FAO Emergency Laghman and Kunar Eastern In Progress
05 1006908 15-09-2022 15-04-2024 UNOPS ARTF 1,021,909.00 UNOPS Livelihoods Saripul and Mazar Northern In Progress
06 201222 01-09-2022 31-07-2023 Transitional Shelter Construction and Shelter repair/upgrade for conflict and natural affected HH in Ghor province 228,306.00 Cordaid Emergency Ghor Western Completed
07 22330 16-10-2022 15-07-2023 WASH response to the most underserved populations in Pashtun Zarghun and Shindand districts of Herat province and actions to prevent SAM under-five children admitted into nutrituaional programs from WASH-related malnutrition diseases in Daikundi province of Afghanistan 498,267.00 AHF WASH and Emergency Herat and Daikundi Western and Cenral Completed
08 HPD2022465 10-11-2022 09-11-2023 Implentation of community based nutrition program (CBNP), weekly Iron and Folic Acid Supplementation (WIFS) and MNP in Ghor provincee 805,473.42 UNICEF Emergency Ghor Western In Progress
09 HPD20222323 1/1/2022 5/31/2022 UNICEF Daikundi 182,900.00  UNICEF  Emergency Daikundi Central In Progress
10 20612 2/1/2022 7/31/2022 Food Security Emergency Assistance (Unconditional Cash Transfer) 245,220.46  AHF  Emergency Saripul Northern In Progress
11 DRA 1/1/2022 12/31/2023 DRA – Afghanistan Joint Response 2022-2023 1,115,705.86  Cordaid  Emergency Nangarhar Eastern In Progress
12 AFG-1243 2/1/2022 3/31/2022 Food Security Assistance to IDPS 48,800.00  WHH  Emergency Nangarhar Eastern In Progress
13 AFG-1260 2/1/2022 6/30/2022 Stablizling Livelihoods and Fostering Resiliance in Afghanistan 142,923.00  WHH  Emergency Nangarhar Eastern In Progress
14 21229 4/1/2022 9/30/2022 Livelihood assitance to the vulnerable population in Nangarhar province (Distribution of animal feed, de-wormer and home gardening  240,463.00  AHF  Emergency Nangarhar Eastern In Progress
15 21156 4/1/2022 9/30/2022 WASH response to the population of underserved and hardest-to-reach districst of Uruzgan province 498,297.00  AHF  Emergency Uruzgan Central In Progress
16 112032-4 4/1/2022 3/31/2023 NCA NICRA 1,614,689.00  NCA  Emergency Saripul and Jawzjan Northern In Progress
17 OSRO/AFG/110/USA (LoA-016) 2/5/2022 6/5/2022 Minimizing impacts of drought and COVID-19 on livestock herders and small holder farmers by protecting agriculture livelihoods of vulnerable food-insecure households in Afghanistan 65,152.30  FAO  Emergency Kunar and Logar Central and Eastern In Progress
18 OSRO/AFG/203/ASB (LoA-078) 6/1/2022 2/28/2023 Sustaining Essential Services Delivery Project (Support for Afghan People) 64,697.55  FAO  Emergency Kunar Eastern In Progress
19 P.307-2022-003 6/15/2022 12/14/2022 Shelter support for populations affected by flood and conflict in Herat 223,333 Caritas Germany Emergency Herat Western In Progress
# Project ID Start Date End Date Discription Project Cost in USD Donor Sector Location Office Status
01 HPD2022442 01-01-2023 31-03-2023 Cash Assistance to pregnant women in Daikundi 106,918.21 UNICEF Emergency Daikkundi Central Completed
02 LoA-011 15-02-2023 15-06-2023 Emergency support to protect livestock based livellihoods of the most vulnerable food insecure herders of 14 provinces of Afghanistan 43,398.77 FAO Emergency Saripul Northern Completed
03 HPD2023513 01-03-2023 28-02-2025 Emergency / Humanitarain Interventions – Social Behavior Change: Social Mobilization, community Engagement and Feedback (AAP) 656,197.67 UNICEF Emergency Ghor and Farah Western In Progress
04 LoA-020 20-04-2023 31-12-2023 Special Trust Fund for Afghanistan (STFA) Joint Programme for the Eastern and Southern Regions 417,974.00 FAO Emergency Uruzgan and Kunar Central and Eastern In Progress
05 1000372 26-04-2023 31-03-2024 Area-Based approach to Development Emergency Initiative (ABADEI) Phase II (Support Community Livelihoods, Climate Proofing of Critical Infrastructure for Human Security in Afghanistan – Northern and Northeastern Regions – JSP 2022) 1,024,929.00 UNDP Emergency Saripul and Faryab Northern In Progress
06 AFG22RFP030 01-05-2023 30-04-2024 Third Party Monitoring (TPM) 1,548,078.33 WFP Emergency Herat, Ghor, Badghis and Farah Western In Progress
07 201233 01-05-2023 31-10-2024 Emergency Livelihood Support in Logar Province, Afghanistan 1,166,005.50 Cordaid Emergency Logar Central In Progress
08 LoA-064 10-07-2023 09-12-2023 Safeguarding food and nutrition security of vulnerable marginal farming households in Afghanistan  86,969.60 FAO Emergency Uruzgan Central In Progress
09 CFF-01-WeWorld 01-08-2023 31-01-2024 Assisting the most vulnerable acute food insecure widow-headed households in Herat province with cash for food (C4F) assistance. 70,000.00 WeWorld Emergency Herat Western In Progress
10 LoA-089 20-10-2023 31-12-2023 Safeguarding food and livelihoods security through unconditional cash transfer and emergency livestock 47,572.20 FAO Emergency Jawzjan Northern In Progress
11 26344 22-10-2023 21-04-2024 Food Security Emergency Assistance (Cash-Based-Assistance) in Logar province 465,450.64 AHF Emergency Logar Central In Progress
12 201327 25-10-2023 24-04-2024 Herat Earthquakes Joint Response – Cordaid Implementation  473,042.56 Cordaid Emergency Herat Western In Progress
13 972015 01-11-2023 31-12-2023 Herat Earthquake Response Project 52,977.00 NCA Emergency Herat Western In Progress
14 LoA-084 20-09-2023 19-02-2026 Strenthening Rural Livelihoods and Food Security Program in Afghanistan 1,093,278.00 FAO Emergency Paktika Central In Progress
15 201133 15-11-2023 31-12-2023 Afghanistan Joint Response 2022-2023 (Joint Budget) 77,915.38 Cordaid Emergency Nangarhar Eastern In Progress
# Project ID Start Date End Date Discription Project Cost in USD Donor Sector Location Office Status
01 201330  01/01/2024 31-12-2026 DRA Afghanistan Joint Response 24-26 1,363,385.96 Cordaid Emergency Nangarhar Eastern In Progress
02 LoA-003 20-02-2024 31-12-2024 Strenthening Rural Livelihoods and Food Security Program in Afghanistan 155,587.00 FAO Emergency Logar Central In Progress
03 P.307-2024-004 8/1/2024 21/6/2027 Life-saving multi-sector emergency assistance for vulnerable population affected by protracted crisis in Herat, Urozgan and Nangarhar, Afghanistan, 2024-2027  2,181,393.00 Caritas Livelihoods Urozgan and Nangarhar Central In Progress
# Project ID Start Date End Date Discription Project Cost in USD Donor Sector Location Office Status
01 Gr00006132/AFG-000316 1/1/2025 31/12/2025 Improving well-being and resilience amongst conflict-affected communities in Afghanistan 267,655.00 DRC Livelihoods Kabul Central In Progress
02  FAAFG/LOA/2025/001 20/01/2025 20/01/2025 OSRO/FGA/140/WBK Project 48,223.00 Livelihoods Paktya, Paktika and Khost Central In Progress